This book features the anonymous female master weavers, of the Andean Altiplano. Textiles dating back fifty to five hundred years are presented, all hand spun, mostly Alpaca with natural dyes, some Vicuna. All these have been in continuous use, mostly for ceremonial applications. The textile collection and period photos from the 1970's are from the Bradley Cross collection. Three are from his collection that the Detroit Institute of Arts purchased, the remaining 69 are still in his collection. This art book was printed in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at Edwards Brothers Malloy.
A 216 page, 200 plus image hard bound exploration of the antique highland textiles and mid-1970's photographs of the Bradley Cross collection. This large format survey seeks to enlighten the reader about the artistry and complexity of traditional Andean weaving. Written by Robert Duff and illustrated with high resolution scanning technology, the book focuses on the excellence of the subtle arts of the anonymous female Altiplano weavers and their disappearing traditions.
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Spanish Translation available, $15.00.